Essentials with Syd: Life in NYC

I haven't shared this here yet, but I have recently become a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils through the Fun Lovin' Oils. Today I am excited to bring you a little piece of my story both as a person and an oils user...

I have been on a 10 year journey with Young Living Essential Oils. In fact, I can remember the very first time I used them.  I was in 7th grade and it was the morning of the speeches for the annual Student Council elections.  I was running for Secretary and I was SO nervous.  That's when my aunt Pam swooped in to save the day by giving me Peace and Calming and Valor.  I did not go on to win the election, but Young Living got me through my speech.

When I moved to New York 7 years later I was hopeful, but New York is not an easy city to live in.  It was after that move that Young Living Essential Oils went from being a passive part of my life to an active part.

About 6 months after my move I found myself feeling overwhelmed and therefore unfocused, sad, and helpless.  New York is a very fast paced impersonal city, and I was not only throwing myself into that lifestyle but also into a very cut throat career path.  It was then that I started using the Gary Young Great Day Essential Oils Protocol.  Put simply, the protocol is a series of four essential oil blends strategically placed on the body in order to support positivity, grounding, and focus.  Here's the breakdown:

I start with Valor on the insides of my wrist and bottom of my feet to help set and ground me to my daily intention.

Next, I place Harmony on and above my belly button (your third chakra), to help me move smoothly through my day and harmonize with those around me.

Third, I place Joy over my heart. This is especially important for me as a struggle most with finding positivity and having an open heart.

Lastly is my protector, White Angelica.  I start my placing White Angelica on my shoulders and then run my hands lightly all over my body creating a protective shield to help repel the negative thoughts and energy of others. I like to think of White Angelica as the Iron Man of oils. But that might be just me...

I love starting every day making a conscious effort to balance my mind and body.  And though the scents lose their potency for me after a few minutes, I catch whiffs of them throughout the day that reminds me to take a deep breath and focus on the task I have before me.

My friends also love it.  Often when I meet someone for coffee or drinks there will be a switching of scarfs or sweaters so that my smell rubs off on them.

Young Living Essential Oils and especially Gary's Good Day Protocol has allowed me to take control of my outlook and the way I approach this city in a way that gives me a definite edge.  Not to mention the peace of mind I get knowing I am putting natural products on my body as opposed to drugs or chemicals.

I am extremely excited about this adventure, and I will continue to share my journey with you here, as well as the unique ways I find oils useful to me as an actor and New Yorker.  Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about what I have shared here, or would like more information about Young Living as a whole.  Who wants to start taking control of their positivity through the help of the Iron Man of oils?!! -xo Sydney 

*This blog post is comprised purely of my own opinions.  You must make your own choices for the health of your loved ones and yourself. 


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