Fired Up!

While I marinate on another post for a few days I thought I'd throw some things at you that I am fired up about!

Learning about our Presidents.  I've taken on a challenge to read (or attempt) to read one biography about each of our Presidents before the election in 2020. 😅😬 I'm working off the Presidential Podcast list and recommendations from well-read friends. I've started with Truman and I'm obsessed.  I also want to get to each of their Presidential libraries.  The Libraries is a longer term goal, but one that will help me see more of the country which I am excited about.

Instrumental music! Over the last 7 years or so I have curated a playlist of songs from film scores that I love. The styles vary, it's in no particular order and I nearly always play it on shuffle.  I used to listen to it all the time on my commute, or to drown out the noise when I was reading in a Starbucks (Usually the Port Authority Starbucks on 39th & 8th). I don't think I'd listened to it once since I moved home, but I've started playing it at my desk and when I cook and it's brought me so much joy!

I just booked my lodging for London and all I have to say can be summed up in this video! For those of you too cool to click through to the video, may I just say "Whoopsie Daisy" 😂

Sam's. New. Thing. First of all, if you haven't downloaded NPROne pleases do so now. I'll wait. Great! Now search Sam's New Thing. Sam Sanders is one of my favorite hosts from the NPR Politics podcast who is in the process of developing a new project all his own. His most recent episode is about the new online Adulting School and touches on some of the issues of Community I've been wrestling with. Through a bizzar series of events I actually made a new friend here in #JCMO by first hearing them on Sam's show! The internet is a small place friends.

So what are you fired up about?!  -xo Sydney


  1. The book challenge is such a fantastic idea! What is the best book you have read so far this year?

    What am I fried up about ? hmmm, people clinging on to "how it use to be" and not accepting the market for what it is today.

    Enjoy your day and cheers to your London trip most JCMO people I know are scared to leave the block lol


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