Ladies Lake Weekend

The second weekend I was home my mom reserved our lake house just for us and we got to have a Girls Weekend! Amy, my mom's college roommate joined us as well as our friends Kathi and Rebecca and we had a BLAST! 

On our way out to breakfast on the boat! 

Ok, so I didn't really get to drive the boat but I got to steer for a while! 

Back at the house and ready for some sun! 

If you've never had a beer butt chicken than you have yet to truly live. 

I love cooking with my mom in the kitchen. :) 

What a beautiful sunset... 

I brought theses crowns for 4th of July but they didn't make it in time.  Or maybe they made it just in time! This weekend was one of my most relaxing in recent memory.  Thank you ladies for helping me cut loose. -xo Sydney 


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