Essentials with Syd: Essential Rewards Unboxing July 2017

Hi oily friends! It's the beginning of the month, so it's time once again for me to show you my Essential Rewards order(s) from last month! If you're thinking to yourself it's silly I'm only just now sharing this, you wouldn't be wrong.  BUT I've started sharing my orders first on Instagram Live as soon as they come in and following that up with other stories throughout the month.  So if you want to be the first to see what new and favorite products I'm using throughout the month, you know where to go! 

Whether I plan it or not, when my box arrives each month a certain theme seems to emerge.  This month's theme was definitely Hygiene. So much so, that I needed to place an ER Points order before my monthly box. 

This is my first time trying the Meadow Mist deodorant, and so far I'm a fan.  The texture is great, I can tell it's really adhering to my skin as I apply so I won't immediately sweat it off.  The strong Geranium scent is also 👌! 

Of course, the Lavender Oatmeal soap is an all time fave. The oatmeal texture is lightly exfoliating but moisturizing enough that I don't need to apply lotion after every shower. That's a big win during the humid Missouri summer. 

Thieves Hand Soap!!!! Like the other Thieves cleaning products the scent is both spicy and citrusy and 100% amazing.  This is the latest re-addition to my routine post-op to keep germs at bay and away from my eyes.  Let me tell you, this piece was a no brainer! 

Now for my main box! I got this order almost two weeks ago now, but I still jump up and down inside when I see these products around my apartment.  It was such a good month!! 

Which of you has tried Ningxia Red juice? It's got every imaginable citrus flavor all mixed into one making for the perfect blend of tart and sweet. I'm adding it back into my routine as I continue to focus on my eye health, but the benefits and uses are seemingly endless. Follow the link to check out the new pdf! 

Mineral👏Sun👏Screen!👏 How could you NOT be excited about this?! After trying this out over a couple of sunny days I have this to say.  1. It goes on smooth and doesn't sit on the top of your skin making you look like a ghost. 2. It doesn't leave you smelling like a synthetic pina colada. 3. You can feel good about this product absorbing into your skin because all the harmful ingredients of other sunscreens on the market have been left out. Don't believe me? Click through and check out YL's informational video!

My review of the Seedings Baby Wipes is short. If it's good enough for a baby's sensitive bottom, it's good enough for my face.  Also, you couldn't get near this many makeup wipes for this price at Target. Need I say more?

As the summer begins to slowly draw to a close I'm still enjoying Lemon Vitality in my filtered water and LaCroix, but I'm also stocking up for all tea season! Ahhh! I can hardly wait.  I've already started sneaking some Chamomile on the "cooler" nights. And you know I can never get enough Lavender Vitality! Prime season for Lavender Lattes may be coming to an end, but I love some Lavender in my Chamomile as well! 

Did anyone see my Instagram story Savvy Minerals application last month? I had so much fun getting ready with you all! Your date night well wishes were all so sweet! I'm still not ready to do a full application post, but I'm having a lot of fun experimenting!

More than just a products order I've begun thinking about my monthly Essential Rewards box as a Health and Wellness subscription service.  I get Happy Mail from A Beautiful Mess, and Blue Apron from time to time, why should I think of my monthly Young Living goodies any differently!

Think about it, why do we subscribe to those monthly boxes or services? Because they save us time? Because the anticipation and surprise give us something to look forward to? Sure, all of those things are true, but I think what it really comes down to is that they improve our quality of life. With all the toxic energy and noise swirling around us, it's so nice to be able to depend on the Seed to Seal quality of Young Living. 

If you haven't already, I hope you'll join me as part of my oily family! As you can tell, I love to talk and share! -xo Sydney


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