Hey Beautiful!

I talked a lot in my Essential Oil Diary last week about some of the DIY beauty products I've come to use over the last year or so.  Before my eye surgeries last summer I'd never considered subbing in essential oil based DIYs as opposed to more mainstream products.  But after those procedures, I took a big step toward using all natural products on my face to further protect my eyes.  I'm 9 months in and I'm not looking back!

I begin and end every day by washing my face with Orange Blossom Facial Wash.  It's gentle, soap free, and leaves my skin feeling clean and fresh.  After patting my face dry with a clean towel I follow that up with Sandalwood Moisture Cream to help lock in the moisture my skin needs to stay healthy and vibrant.  However, the Moisture Cream is very thick, so I like to combine a small amount with a dab of tinted moisturizer and a few drops of one of my favorite oils.  My go-to is Copaiba, but I keep Myrrh, Sacred Fankensence, and Manuka on hand as well.

When I feel like my skin needs an extra polish I reach for my Sugar Scrub. I found a recipe on the Young Living DIY blog and adapted it for my own needs.  For instance, I subbed in Coconut Oil for V-6 Vegetable Oil Complex because I wanted a thicker texture, and I used Bergamot and Lavender oils because that's what I had on hand.  But I know those two alone are still doing great things for my skin.  

Between the Orange Blossom, Sugar Scrub and Sandalwood Cream my skin is happier than ever! Now for the hair! 

I have naturally wavy/curly hair which is generally pretty low maintenance. I know, lucky me! But after years of scrunching with gel, coating my hair with serums and de-frizz sprays I was ready for something simpler.  Enter this Sea Salt Spray! The ingredients are simple, good for your hair and scalp, and leave your hair looking and feeling touchable and light. I simply hang my head upside down. spritz, scrunch and go! I also add a few drops of Lavender or Geranium to help my hair smell good all day long.

Another product I am loving is this DIY Dry Shampoo. I had all the ingredients already in my house, and again simply subbed in oils I already had on hand for some of those suggested in the recipe. I made this for the first time last weekend and tested it throughout the week.  I found that the mixture really absorbed oil well, and again helped my hair smell great all day long! 

Integrating essential oils into my daily beauty routine was a total eye-opening for me. Now that I've started I find myself looking for ways to expand my practices even further.  If you have any favorite DIYs please throw them my way! -xo Sydney

BONUS: I got my Essential Rewards order this morning! Check out all that Vitality and Einkorn! My gut is about to be so happy! If you've got questions about Young Living, DIY, Essential Rewards or otherwise I am your girl!  


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