Balance, My Darling

Something I think most people struggle with is letting a bad day, or even a bad moment, control them and color the rest of their day. I know I'm guilty of this! "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed," is a chiche for a reason. But what if your day didn't have to start when you woke up? What if we gave ourselves permission to start the day over in the middle? Say, over lunch or a mid morning coffee?

The more I open up about the journey I'm on the more I realize I'm speaking about the same ideas and tactics over and over again.  To me that's ok.  Independence, Lonliness, Mood Swings, these are the main themes running through my life right now and each day they present themselves differently. Just as each day is a new and challenging experience, the tactics we use to cope with those challenges may differ. Or stay the same.  This rubix cube of options is what keeps me coming back and trying each day to find balance.

Balance.  When I think of that word I am reassured that it doesn't come in one perfect form.  Each step we take can move us closer to it, or further away. And so does the next.  And the next. What a great way to jump start your day!

What I'm working on right now is keeping this delicate, imperfect goal in my mind.  If you're having a bad day, stop, aknowledge what's frustrating you, start over, and remember the balance. That way when you're tucking yourself into bed that night you'll know you did you best to have a good day, and more importantly, that you made it for yourself.

Also, for anyone who saw the Eat, Pray, Love in this blog title, can we be best friends? -xo Sydney


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