October Reads

First up, Misery by Stephen King.  Misery has been on my list for a while, so when I heard it was coming to Broadway this October I knew this was the year.  Having only seen the movie once many years ago I went into this one pretty blind, and I got totally wrapped up in it.  It's not the most gory or intricate of King's tales, but it is definitely worth your time.

I'm currently reading The Girl in the Spider's Web by David Lagercrantz.  David is picking up where Steig Larson left off and so far I can't tell the difference. I was hooked within 50 pages. It was so good I came home, crawled in bed and canceled the rest of my day.  If you were a fan of the Millennium Series "Spiders Web" won't let you down.

Next up for me is the classic Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. In addition to contemporary creepy novels I try and get one gothic classic in every October, and this year it's Frankenstein.  I actually know nothing about how this story unfolds so I'm extremely excited. And this new printing is awesome. Check out pulptheclassics.com for more of their fun titles.

Last on my list this year is Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith.  I LOVE the Cormoran Strike novels. I always imagine him as a Muggle Mad Eye Moody limping around London solving crimes.  October 20th can not come soon enough. So. Excited.

This is one of my favorite yearly traditions and I am so excited to share it with you.  I hope you're taking some time this October to check out some creepy books of your own! -xo Sydney


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