Essentials with Syd: Coconut Oil Body Butter
Something I always struggle with is keeping my skin moisturized during the winter, and New York winters are no joke. Without cars to drive everywhere we are exposed to the elements on a daily, if not hourly basis which makes dry skin even more of an issue. I can usually get by with a store bought extra healing lotion, but being as active as I am I have encountered some issues. Oily Lotion + sweaty dance class = No thank you.
So this year I decided to try moisturizing with Coconut Oil. I found for me that Coconut Oil alone was not enough, so I decided to add some of my favorite Young Living Essential Oils. Since I was experimenting with this for the first time I made mine in half batches. At first I tried adding just Lavender. It is the most versatile of all the Essential Oils and has such a great relaxing smell, which I liked a lot, but I found that I was still a little dry. So I got out my reference guide, did a little research, and tada! Here's what you'll need.

1 Jar Coconut Oil
20 Drops Lavender
20 Drops Geranium
20 Drops Ylang Ylang
20 Drops Myrrh
Combine Coconut Oil and YL Essential Oils into a large mixing bowl and beat until you have a well blended, even consistency. Blending the Coconut Oil and YL Essential Oils not only assures that the oils are evenly distributed throughout, but also gives the Coconut Oil more of a body butter texture making it easier to apply in the winter months.
Like I said, I cut the recipe in half and used an extra jar to store my final product. But if you blend the whole jar, once you are done, you can store your new, fragrant, nourishing Coconut Oil body butter right in the jar it came from.
I hope you guys enjoy the final product as much as I do! And hey! If you're still looking for something inexpensive to give your girlfriends for Valentines Day you could easily split this up into four small jars, tie a bow around the lid and call it a day! -xo Sydney
*This blog post is comprised purely of my own opinions. You must make your own choices for the health of your loved ones and yourself.
So this year I decided to try moisturizing with Coconut Oil. I found for me that Coconut Oil alone was not enough, so I decided to add some of my favorite Young Living Essential Oils. Since I was experimenting with this for the first time I made mine in half batches. At first I tried adding just Lavender. It is the most versatile of all the Essential Oils and has such a great relaxing smell, which I liked a lot, but I found that I was still a little dry. So I got out my reference guide, did a little research, and tada! Here's what you'll need.
1 Jar Coconut Oil
20 Drops Lavender
20 Drops Geranium
20 Drops Ylang Ylang
20 Drops Myrrh
Combine Coconut Oil and YL Essential Oils into a large mixing bowl and beat until you have a well blended, even consistency. Blending the Coconut Oil and YL Essential Oils not only assures that the oils are evenly distributed throughout, but also gives the Coconut Oil more of a body butter texture making it easier to apply in the winter months.
Like I said, I cut the recipe in half and used an extra jar to store my final product. But if you blend the whole jar, once you are done, you can store your new, fragrant, nourishing Coconut Oil body butter right in the jar it came from.
I hope you guys enjoy the final product as much as I do! And hey! If you're still looking for something inexpensive to give your girlfriends for Valentines Day you could easily split this up into four small jars, tie a bow around the lid and call it a day! -xo Sydney
*This blog post is comprised purely of my own opinions. You must make your own choices for the health of your loved ones and yourself.
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