Presence is Perfect

Presence, it's not easy to attain.  And like anything worth having it's a practice that takes work.  But oh let me tell you it is so freaking worth it.  Being in the Present is like feeding from the source, it is everything! It brings levity to even the bleakest of circumstances.  The now, the immediate is all there is

I know, this all sounds like a magical fairyland of awesome.  But I promise it's real, and it is worth working toward.

Perfect, as a concept in general, is overrated.  Who wants to live in a Stepford world where nothing goes wrong? Not me! However, Presence brings a whole new perspective to perfection. When you are truly, honestly, and 100% Present everything else falls away and you're just there. There is nothing else but you, grounded in your own two feet, experiencing your life just as it is, with no filter, no engineering. Simply being.  Making whatever moment that may be perfect, because we're truly experiencing it, living it, letting it affect us.

For instance.  My travel day home from vacation was supposed to take about 17 hours, give or take some drive time.  The reality of that day turned into 27 hours! It would have been easy to wish myself away or list all the ways things could have gone better or differently, but that would have made me miserable.  Rather, I found myself Present and in the moment, so instead of regretting all the things that went wrong, and taking it out on the customer service person I: booked myself a new flight home, using the wait in line to stretch my legs, bought my first drip coffee in 10 days and savored every last drop, found an empty seat and did yoga stretches in my chair to bring life to my tired and cramped limbs, used my cell service (which I also hadn't had in 10 days) to binge watch a little Netflix, and I freely texted with all my family and friends laughing at my hysterically helpless circumstances.

My friend Colleen commented to me recently that she loves much how I derive pleasure in simple, sweet things.  Her exact words were, "You're the kind of person who I could imagine being on a walk with and you're like, 'Hold on I want to smell this flower!' and literally meaning it." That's SO what this is all about.  Take a minute to smell the roses people!

So, next time you find yourself struggling for inner peace, or endlessly complaining about your circumstances (we've all been there), STOP. Take a deep breath, and bring yourself back to the Present.  It may only last for a moment, but that moment will be shining. - xo Sydney


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