Norms Engineering

What is normal today? Is it average? The median of the human experience? Or is it what we, individually or collectively, come to accept? What we adapt ourselves to? I heard a new term recently and it really got me thinking. Norms Engineering.

Norms Engineering: Presenting fiction as fact long enough for the public to accept it as truth.

Norms in politics, Norms in private. Facts matter, truth matters, but the story is what get's your attention. Can you create new facts or a new truth simply by telling the right story about it? As far as the news goes, this could be a bad thing. But could we reverse engineer it to work in a positive way in our personal lives? If I repeat my Core Desired Feelings enough times, if I "think happy thoughts" will I be able to affect my subconscious enough to in fact make myself happier?

We're conditioned to think that if we're not happy there's something wrong with us, or that our public facing image needs to reflect certain things.  That we need to be normal. Which is total bullshit, but we believe it. I think the more real and transparent we can be each and every day, the closer we'll actually be to happy.  Because we'll be living as our most authentic selves.

I'm exasperated with myself for even writing about this because to a certain extent this piece is Norms Engineering.  I'm presenting myself as someone who is always full of conscious thought regarding my actions.  When in reality I spend just as much time ignoring the motives behind my choices as I do considering them.

To a certain extent, when you feel like you don't have a say in anything going on with your life, it's reassuring to know you can control your public image. "I feel completely out of my body right now, but I can make this healthy meal and post a beautiful photo of it right now.  Who cares if I eat three spoons full of cookie dough later on this afternoon? Right now I'll feel good." I'm certainly guilty of this.  But more and more I'm asking myself, "Is making myself feel good for a few moments worth the price of perpetuating false truths? Are these small lies worth it?" If I'm honest with myself the answer is no.

Norms Engineering.  What is it really? Is it everything? What I know for sure is that the more I think about it the more confused I get.  But I'll continue to worry away at this until the truth is clear and shines alone in the open light of day.  Because intent matters, truth matters, each individual effort matters.  So get to work. - xo Sydney


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