My Top Five Uses for Essential Oils: At Work

I got such a good response to My Top Daily Uses for Essential Oils post it inspired me to share how I use them at work too! After our homes, we spend most of our time at our offices, an environment that's just calling out for the wellness benefits of Essential Oils!  Though I could rattle off any number of tips, let's just start with my top five. 😉 Here we go!

1. Diffuse: Just like at home I have a diffuser at my office to shift my energy if I'm stuck on a project or to support whatever needs I have that day. Bonus! It's cute, tiny, and slips right into my USB port!

2. Energizing: When I hit that afternoon slump, placing a few drops of Peppermint behind my ears always gets me energized and ready to finish the day strong.

3. Focus: When I'm having trouble concentrating, or I'm starting a new project, running some Clarity through my hair (as a natural diffuser) helps me dig in and get to work.

4. Relaxation: One of the main ways I stay motivated during the workday is through beverages. I'm always drinking something, and often that something contains Essential Oils.  Whether it's Thieves or DiGize Vitality in my tea, or Orange Vitality in my LaCroix, I love having Essential Oils around to flavor and add a boost to my favorite beverages.

5. Clean Clean Clean: I keep Theives Waterless Hand Purifier on my desk at all time.  Whether it's after shaking hands with clients or getting the smell of lunch off my hands I'm always happy to have this fresh, perfume-free, product around.

Keep in mind, these same tactics could be applied to your home office or side hustle as well. Following a strong daily wellness routine is one way I keep my energy up throughout the work week, and long after I've clocked out on Friday afternoon. So be rebellious! Try something new and add some Essential Oils to your workday routine.  I promise you won't regret it! -xo Sydney


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