Summer Bucket List 2017

I don't know about where you live, but summer has officially come to Missouri, mosquito bites and all. As my calendar starts to fill up I thought I better sit down and come up with a summer bucket list (you know how I love lists) to help make sure I don't miss any of my favorite summer activities! 

In no particular order...

Sonic - One of my first posts here was about going to Sonic with my sister and it's still one of my favorite summer activities! One Lime slush and a grilled cheese, please!

Homemade Pesto - I have a thriving basil plant by my back door and I'm gonna put it to good use! Pizza, Pasta, the sky's the limit!

Tomato Pie - Another great use for fresh basil, and such a treat on a warm summer night. Or in the morning with a fried egg on top!

Read More For Fun - Fewer Presidents, more Nicholas Sparks, please!

Sun, Sun, SUN - I'm not on the hunt for melanoma, but after being inside all last summer I am ready to get OUT!

Baseball Game - Cardinals or otherwise, take me out to the ball game!

Weekend in KC - My friend Colleen is in town doing two shows this summer so I've got to get up for some quality girl time before she goes back to NYC!

Explore New Creative Outlets - Less structure, more discovery.  I've been really inspired by everyone's 100 Day Projects.

De-Clutter Apartment - I've been in my apartment for about 7 months now and there are still several piles of "I'll get to this later" sitting about. Let's find a place for everything!

Organize Stationary - Since I moved my stationery has been stored in random places in my apartment and my letter writing game has definitely suffered. I've got a plan to organize and store it all and my OCD brain is SO happy!

Rag Tag Date - I want a beer in one hand, a latte in the other, and a heartbreakingly beautiful movie in front of me.

Drive-In Movie - I haven't been to the Drive-In since 2010 and it just sounds SO fun!

Summer YL DIYs - I've discovered a lot of the Young Living products I use are photosensitive! Eek! So I'm on the hunt for some new fun products and routines that are safe for sunshine! :)

Sport Pins With Pride - I love my enamel pin collection. So many fun memories are wrapped up in these little treasures, but I am not the best at actually wearing them! Summer 2017 I'm bustin' em out!

Pool Day with Rachel: Subtitle, G&Ts - Rain or shine, it's our summer tradition, and I wouldn't miss it for the world!

Now I want to know what's on YOUR summer bucket list! I'm gonna write mine up and hang it on my fridge.  Just like in anything, accountability is key people! -xo Sydney


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