I wanted to share with you today, at great risk to my vanity, my recent experience with having my wisdom teeth removed. I went in for my procedure on December 30, the Tuesday after Christmas. I found out at my pre-op appointment that not only were my top teeth all the way in, but that my bottom ones were in optimal position so my overall anxiety was low. But I will admit that I still had some lingering fears that I would wake up to find out my vocal chords had unexplainably been severed and that I would never be able to sing again. Irrational, I know, but I was afraid none the less.
I woke up, I thought, shortly after they put in my IV to find that the procedure was over. I am sorry to say that the following picture is all that I have to show in the way of post-op hysterics. No David After Dentist for me.
In addition to the prescription regimen my doctor prescribed for me I decided to use a Young Living regimen as well. I had no previous experience with using oils after any sort of medical procedure, but I had family members who had experienced great success so I thought I would give it a try. I figured, even if it did nothing to help me, at least I'd smell like a Christmas tree.
On Tuesday morning before my procedure, I applied Peace and Calming to my chest and ran my fingers through my hair. As I was in the waiting room and in the chair waiting for my IV to take effect it was so relaxing to have the wonderful citrusy scent filling my nostrils as opposed to all the medical smells around me.
When I returned home I started applying both Balsam Fir and Pan away to my cheeks and jawline every time I changed my ice pack. The icy/hot feeling they gave my sore bones and muscles was a welcome relief. And the heady scents gave me something to focus on while I waited for my prescriptions to kick in.
The Recovery Process: I spent my first day sleeping off the anesthesia, switching out my gauze, and beginning a week-long Pixar marathon.
Day 1 |
Breakfast Day 2 |
Day 2: I got to start eating semi solid foods. *hooray* There was a lot of Naked Juice and Greek yogurt accompanied by club soda with lemon and lime.
Day 2 |
No gauze on day two, and I got to move down to the couch in the living room in front of the fire. The Pixar marathon continued!
New Years Eve got preeeeetty crazy. Sparkling grape juice and some creamy Cavatelli felt like a feast. My mom felt so bad I couldn't eat the full meal everyone else was that she made me a first course of (more) greek yogurt topped with thinly sliced pears and cinnamon. It was yummy!
Night 2 |
By NYE Night I got to move on to heat wraps, which I thought I wasn't going to like, because the ice felt so good. I was wrong. The heat felt amazing, and activated the scents and effects of the Pan Away and Balsam Fir in a whole new way.
Day 3 |
The heat wraps also brought flushed cheeks and super cute hairdos.
Day 4 |
By Day four I had continued, but less frequent heat wraps, and I got to have a glass of wine with my pasta. #partyanimal
By the end of the week, I was mostly back to normal. Just one or two heat wraps and ibuprofen.
Summary: I had no legitimate pain all week, just soreness. Nothing at all like I expected, and I was off of my heavy pain meds by Day 2. I also had no swelling aside from the first day when my mouth was stuffed with gauze. The pictures make it seem so, but the wrap smooshed my face together and made me feel like a chipmunk. I can't imagine having gone through this process without the assistance of Young Living. With the help of my oils, I got the skip the struggle bus and enjoy a week of relaxing watching movies and reading books in front of the fire. The worst part? Not being able to eat real food. I was craving salt and meat like you wouldn't believe. -xo Sydney
*This blog post is comprised purely of my own opinions. You must make your own choices for the health of your loved ones and yourself.
The fear of thinking something extremely crazy attacking during your appointment or surgery is so universal. If I were having my wisdom teeth pulled, then I would feel the exact same way as you! Thankfully, you did not lose your vocal chords -- yay! And at least, by day two, you were able to start eating solids!