Let's Talk About Self-Care!

Have you ever had just the perfect weekend? They're few and far between, but when you come across one, man there's just nothing better. 

Work ended early for me on Friday and as I was walking home thinking about my weekend I realized I had absolutely nothing to do. 😱

So what did I do? I dove head first into sel- care. 

Here's my two cents about self care. We should all do it. Conciously. Every day. So why aren't we?! When I come across something in the course of my day that's so deliciously good it feels like a crime that's self-care. It doesn't have to be fancy, in fact, it rarely is. Just #treatyoself! 

Get out some fun and fancy stationary and send some Happy Mail to your long distance friends.  

Go by yourself to see some of your favorite people perform one of your favorite shows! 😍

Get into some spring cleaning and finally hang the painting your sister made for your new apartment. 

Open all your windows, pick out a sweet treat, pour a glass of iced coffee and get lost in a great book. 

Sleep in, wake up and your own pace and pick up right where you left off the day before. 

Go see a great indie movie. Jackie was excelent. Can't decide between beer or a latte? Get both

Another one of my go-to self-care practices is epsom salt baths and The Bachelor!  

Let me be clear, I am not always good about the self-care but I am 100% someone who needs it every single day.  If I let myself, I can get wrapped up in all my weekly obligations and feel anxious and clostriphobic in my own skin.  But if I take even a few moments to walk to the coffee shop down the street for an afternoon latte that's usually enough. And SO worth the $4. :) 

What are your favorite methods of self-care? I want to know! -xo Sydney 


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