A Meditation on Resilience

I know I’m light years behind the rest of the world, but I’m just now watching The Great British Baking Show, and it's got me thinking about resilience. 

How often do we try something, perhaps have it not turn out exactly as we'd hoped, but instead take the opportunity to learn as much from the good as from the bad of the experience? To fight against the negativity bias and try again? Most importantly, letting go of failure as the worst-case scenario? As the saying goes, if we never fail, we never grow, learn, or change.

This meditation on resilience has me circling back to a mantra I was sitting with throughout January, “Persistence with Grace.” In a way, it’s the same thing, just in a different outfit. Working hard to achieve something whether it's 30 days of yoga, or the perfect bake, while giving yourself grace in the moments when you come up short of our own expectations. And there will be moments.
With the help of a little divine timing, this new engagement with resilience is keeping me curious and engaged as we transition from one measure of time to the next.

And to think, I have The Great British Baking Show to thank for all that! - xo Sydney


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