Messages From the Quarentimes: A Playlist

The holiday season tends to be a difficult time for me, and this year is no exception.  One of the things that helps me to cope is putting together a playlist of tunes that help me feel grounded and process my feelings. 

This year that playlist has taken the form of Messages From the Quarentimes.  Each song you'll hear (with one exception) has been released since the advent of COVID-19 or is directly about pandemic life its self.

One of the most positive things to come out of this time, for me, has been the way in which my favorite artists are interpreting this period of fear, solitude, and isolation, as only artists can. Giving it a name, giving it a melody, giving of their hearts and souls in order that we might feel better. If only for a few minutes. 

I hope you enjoy these tracks as much as I do. May they bring warmth to you in this holiday season and beyond. - xo Sydney


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