Just Because

When did doing something, “just because” become a bad thing? 

In this life season, doing something just because it feels good, seems like the best reason to be doing it.  

Fall is here, and after spending Summer doing the hard work, the detailed work to set myself up for positive big life change I’m ready to take a step back and do things just because. 

Making plans backed up by logic and clear thinking is exciting.  It’s one of my favorite things to do, but after a while, I get tired of finding a rationalization for every little move I make. Whether for myself or for anyone else. Especially for anyone else. 

One of my Core Desired Feelings for this year is Free, but I’ve been making far too few choices motivated by freedom lately. What a shame that is. I say, let freedom reign!

I’m having breakfast for dinner. I’m going to concerts by myself. I’m finally hanging things on the walls of my apartment. I’m eating meatless fast-food burgers (though there are some more logical reasons behind that one too). I'm living my life when and how I want to, rather than waiting for the alignment of others busy schedules to give me permission to live. 

I’ve faced some pretty tough rejections recently that have left me feeling less than confident about my plans and desires.  I’m finding though, that with each “just because” I’m coming back into my power, and the voices of the naysayers get ever softer. - xo Sydney


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