I want to take a few minutes today, on Independence Day, in this particular time in American history to say:
Your freedom is good for all of us.
Whether that is something as literal as your physical freedom, be it from a detention center or a bad relationship, your vocal freedom, expressing yourself, your joys and descents, as openly as you wish, or your intellectual freedom, letting your thoughts and dreams spill outside the box of known possibility.
Your freedom is good for all of us.
No one is ultimately served by holding you back, and that includes you. It is only by supporting and raising others that society (and individuals) can thrive. The more ideas, visions, lived experiences, we are exposed to, the more we can vulnerably and authentically be ourselves, the better, freer we can all be.
Thank you, Danielle LaPorte for enlightening me to this today. For reminding me that the freedoms I've been granted in my life, in this country, should be the divine right of all. For helping me to take a step back on this day of celebration to consider those who are not of my privilege, so that I may know better and do better.
xo Sydney
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